The presence of the exile in the literature of Quebec

migrant writing and self-narration



Exile, Migrant literatures, Self-writing, Self-narration, Literature from Quebec, Dany Laferrière


The present research aims to explore the subject of the exile in contemporary literature in Quebec, through the concept of migrant writing and the self-narration performed by exiled writers, towards the comprehension of the relations established between the
collective and individual axes and their implications in the context of transnational literatures. Base on several researchers who analyze the place of the immigrant subject in Quebec's literary system, such as Pierre Nepveu, we intend to embrace the fundamental ideas concerning the migrant writing as well as the context of diffusion of migrant writers' literature. In order to exemplify and expand the analysis, Dany Laferrière's literary work will be taken  within its autobiographical, fragmented and transnational dimensions, especially in some of his texts considered referential, in which the novelistic pact gives place to self-narration and to the problem of contemporary identities in transit.

Author Biography

Luciano Passos Moraes, Paulista State University UNESP

Doutor em Letras (Estudos de Literatura) pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2016), com bolsa sanduíche CAPES (PDSE) em 2014, mestre em Letras (História da Literatura) pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2007) e graduado em Letras Português/Francês pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2003). Atualmente é professor do Departamento de Francês do Colégio Pedro II, Coordenador Pedagógico de Francês do Colégio Pedro II, campus Centro, e membro do NEFB - Núcleo de Estudos Franco-Brasileiros do Colégio Pedro II. Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em literaturas francófonas, ensino de francês como língua estrangeira e tradução.


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How to Cite

Passos Moraes, L. (2017). The presence of the exile in the literature of Quebec: migrant writing and self-narration. Patrimônio E Memória, 13(1), 79–102. Retrieved from