About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Faces da História Journal (e-ISSN: 2358-3878 – Qualis B1), published semiannually in exclusively electronic media, aims to publish original and unpublished articles, translations, reviews and interviews related to studies in the area of History and Humanities and Social sciences. The journal accepts papers submitted by masters and doctoral students, as well as doctors and professors. The papers may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. The journal may publish special issues at any time, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Guidelines for authors can be found in submission field (click in “about” then “submissions”).

The papers are obligatorily submitted to the evaluation of two (02) referees, respecting its authenticity and originality. In case of disagreement, a third referee is heard.

The journal editors and the dossier coordinators define the referees to whom the articles will be sent. Faces da História's target audience is the national and international academic community.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email: facesdahistoria@gmail.com.

Peer review Process

Faces da História adopts the Double Blind Review assessment model.


Semiannual (June and December).

Open Access policy

Faces da História offers free and immediate access to its content, assuming that making the scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge promotes greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Funding source

The journal has no funding source and is produced from the volunteer work of students from the UNESP’s History graduate program from Assis, São Paulo.

Indexing sources

Google Acadêmico


Online portal

Facebook da Faces da História

Instagram da Faces da História

Journal story

Created in 2014, Faces da História journal (e-ISSN: 2358-3878) is an initiative of students of the Graduate Program in History of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) campus of Assis. The journal has been published without interruption in two (2) annual volumes, published separately, one corresponding to the first semester and one to the second semester of the same year. The first annual volume should be published by June 30 and the second by December 31, except in case of UNESP server failure. Since the foundation of Faces da História, the guiding principles of this journal are the dissemination of scientific production in History area; stimulation of the exchange between researchers, teachers, students and professionals working in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences – preferably in the fields in which History is constituted as one of the axes of analysis; fomentation of the exchange of information and experiences of historical knowledge in their different interfaces; the contribution to the production and socialization of knowledge in society; and the pedagogical and editorial training of stricto sensu postgraduate students at UNESP/Assis based on their work experience in this journal, which will train specialized staff in the publication of scientific knowledge.