An epistemological choice for the studies on cultural heritage
genealogy and biopolitics
Epistemology, Cultural Heiritage, Genealogy, Biopolitics, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
This article intends to socialize an epistemological choice for the study of cultural heritage mainly based on the concepts of genealogical and biopolitics, worked by Michel Foucault (2002; 2008; 2013) Michel Hardt and Antônio Negri (2004; 2005) about the intangible work and the notion of politics, by Jacques Rancière (1996). It presents itself as a theoretical and methodological perspective for research in cultural heritage through the articulation of interdisciplinary knowledge. Questions that were generated by the studies developed in the context of the research line Heritage, Memory and language, of the Program in Postgraduate in Cultural Heritage and Society.
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