History and image
historical and visual narratives about the Brazilian Army on the canvases of Colonel Estigarríbia
Colonel Estigarríbia, Historical narratives, Image, History pinting, Brazilian ArmyAbstract
The article aims to analyze, in the vast pictorial work produced by Army Colonel R/1, Pedro Paulo Cantalice Estigarríbia, the models of historical narratives that circulated – and still circulate – in his paintings. To do so, we will use two catalogs that were prepared
with his works, namely Episódios Militares (Military Episodes) and A história do Brasil nos traços de Estigarríbia (The History of Brazil in the Traces of Estigarríbia). The justification for such use is due to the fact that, along with the reproduction of the images, there are explanatory texts of the facts narrated visually. With this, we intend not only to analyze some of the paintings made by Colonel Estigarríbia, but above all, relate them to the ways in which historical narratives are built within the Brazilian Army.
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