Territoriality and conservation in the contemporary library
a global to local analysis
Library Building, Territoriality, Conservation, Collections, Matter-Virtuality, DialecticAbstract
The Contemporary Library deals with challenges brought by the new information platforms. This leads to the need for new epistemological paths, notably interdisciplinary, to understand this complex institution in the coming decades. Bringing brief connections between space and territory and the field of Conservation, this work strives to delineate the physical and social place of libraries in the midst of the disruptive context of electronic texts. Therefore, it understands as fundamental the application of the approach in a real object of study: the Central Library of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The results demonstrate the possibility of new perspectives about the concept of territoriality, adjusted to libraries; also suggest that in them, the global and the local, and the virtual and the material interfere mutually. This construction, for encompassing the conservation of collections and the concept of sustainability, presents itself as a potential tool for the attribution of value to library buildings by society nowadays.m
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