Itajaí Municipal and School Public Library
place of reading and memory
Cultural Heritage, Public Library, Itajaí Pblic LIbrabry, Reading, MemoryAbstract
Itajaí’s library keeps collective memories of stories perpetuated by that heritage, whether from the construction of the building, the fabric factory, the moments of closed doors or the now place for reading. This public space is fundamental in the process of resignification, strengthening the feeling of belonging of the itajaiense, presenting the library as a “place of memory” of this society. The research followed the assumptions of the historical approach that local authors recorded about the heritage in question. The article reflects on the cultural heritage of the fabric factory, now a Municipal and School Public Library in Itajaí, based on the notion of “place of memory” coined by the studies of Pierre Nora (1993) and understood by Le Goff (2013). We highlight a section of the stories and memories that took place there and are still re-signified today, as these places that bankroll rediscoveries become a framework for reading, information and memory.
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