Afro Catholicism in São Paulo

the churches of Nossa Senhora do Rosário



Afro-Catholic, São Paulo Captaincy, Churches of Our Lady of Rosario, Religious Cultural Heritage.


The purpose of this article is to understand how the devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary arises in the captaincy and later Province of São Paulo and to locate the Afro Catholic communities present in this territory. From this delimitation, it will be possible to understand how was the relation of the catechetical education of the black people with the emergence of their communities and the construction of their churches in the urban space. It is proposed, therefore, to recognize the importance of Afro-Catholic communities and spaces for devotions found in 32 urban centers. As a method, the analysis of the process of creation, transformation and extinction of these religious cultural heritages, highlighting the relationship of these spaces of devotion with the Afro-Catholic identity in the territory of São

Author Biographies

Caio Felipe Gomes Violin, Paulista State University UNESP

Caio Felipe Gomes Violin is a PhD student and Master in Architecture and Urbanism by the Post-Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism and Graduate in Philosophy by the Pontifical University of Campinas (PUC-CAMP). Graduated in Theology from the Catholic University Don Bosco and in History by the University Center FIEO. Professor at the Escola Prof.o Pedro Salvetti Netto. Fellow of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES).

Renata Baesso Pereira, Paulista State University UNESP

Renata Baesso Pereira is a Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-CAMP). Doctor in History and Foundations of Architecture and Urbanism by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (USP). Master in Urbanism from PUC-CAMP. Graduated at the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Leader of the research group registered in CNPq "History of Cities: Territorial Occupation and Urban Ideals".


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How to Cite

Gomes Violin, C. F., & Baesso Pereira, R. (2023). Afro Catholicism in São Paulo: the churches of Nossa Senhora do Rosário. Patrimônio E Memória, 19(1), 18–40. Retrieved from