
border agent between the sacred and the profane



Religion, Christianity, Sacred, Profane, Umbanda


This article aims to present characteristics of religions as intermediaries of human relations between the sacred and profane universes. In this sense, it analyzes the evolution of religions, especially Christianity and its theologies linked to Greco-Roman philosophies, especially the neoplatonism of Plotinus. With this, Christianity distances itself from the universe of the sacred to the sphere of the profane, by neglecting relations with the sacred, to devote itself to the discipline of the body of the Christian in the profane world.

Author Biography

Marcos Henrique Camargo, Paulista State University UNESP

Marcos Henrique Camargo is a Professor of Undergraduate Studies in Cinema and Audiovisual, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Music and Dance at the University of the State of Paraná (UNESPAR). Post-doc from the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Doctor in Visual Arts by the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Master in Communication and Languages by the Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP).


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How to Cite

Henrique Camargo, M. (2023). Religion: border agent between the sacred and the profane. Patrimônio E Memória, 19(1), 1–16. Retrieved from