About the Journal

Brief History

Patrimônio e Memória (Heritage and Memory) is a multidisciplinary academic electronic journal of the Universidade Estadual Paulista ‘Júlio de Mesquita Filho’, published every six months under the responsibility of the Centro de Documentação e Apoio à Pesquisa (Cedap). Since its appearance in 2005, it has been structured as a journal in electronic format with the aim of reflecting on issues relating to the dimensions of cultural and scientific heritage, in its various forms, based on original and unpublished research.

In keeping with its profile as a scientific journal, it publishes texts in Portuguese and in foreign languages (English, Spanish), has an internal and external editorial and advisory board, as well as ad hoc guests who provide intellectual support and guarantee the quality of the texts published. Therefore, Patrimonio e Memória, as well as shaping the identity of the Centre itself, presents itself as a vehicle for dialogue with other institutions in the field.

And due to positive evaluations of the journal, both internal to Unesp and external, such as the one carried out by CNPq, Patrimônio e Memória was classified as A3 in the latest Qualis (2017-2020).

In mid-2017, the journal was included in several international indexers (such as DOAJ and Latindiex), which led to a significant expansion and diversification of its audience.


Compliance with Open Science

This journal complies with the principles of Open Science and follows the Gold Open Access model (Budapest Open Access Initiative). Patrimonio e Memoria accepts manuscripts previously deposited in a non-commercial Preprints server, as long as they are not simultaneously submitted for peer review in another journal. The name of the Preprints server and the corresponding DOI must be provided. Authors must submit the Open Science Compliance Form, available at the following link.


Ethics in Publishing

Patrimônio e Memória adopts the ethical guidelines of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and the FAPESP Code of Good Scientific Practices.


Focus and Scope

Patrimônio e Memória is a journal in the field of Humanities designed to publish unpublished texts derived from scientific research and which make relevant contributions on various aspects and issues relating to heritage: in its various forms (cultural or natural, material or immaterial); traditional types (scientific, architectural, historical, artistic, landscape, technological, archaeological, ethnographic or anthropological) or contemporary (indigenous, difficult, quilombola, documentary, industrial, cultural landscape, cultural routes etc); current issues (material conservation, public policies, recovery and reconstruction, heritage interpretation, human rights, heritage at risk, climate change, cultural tourism); and the dimensions that cross it (economic, political, environmental, social or cultural). The journal accepts collaborations from the Humanities (such as Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Geography, Sociology and Education), Applied Social Sciences (such as Architecture and Urbanism, Urban Planning, Information Science, Museology, Tourism), Linguistics, Literature and Arts; as well as from other sub-areas or major areas of scientific knowledge, as long as they are related to heritage and memory issues.

The periodical is published continuously in two annual volumes, with texts in Portuguese, English or Spanish - respecting the same guidelines for the preparation and format of manuscripts in Portuguese. Those written in a foreign language must include a title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. The journal accepts articles and reviews for which the author(s) have a minimum of a master's degree (or a doctorate in progress).

The journal publishes contributions of articles in dossiers, continuous flow articles and reviews. The dossiers are dedicated to analysing specific themes on cultural heritage and memory. Continuous flow articles deal with different objects and approaches, respecting the scope and areas covered by the journal. The reviews favour theoretical and methodological discussions of books published in areas related to the scope of the journal. Its readership is mainly made up of university students from the Humanities.

Digital Preservation

This journal follows the standards defined in Unesp's Digital Preservation Policy.

Indexing Sources

DIALNET (since 2010); OAJI (since 2016); DOAJ (since 2017); Periódicos Capes (since 2017); ESCI (WoS) (since 2019); EBSCO (since 2010); Latindex (since 2018); MIAR (since 2018); REDIB (since 2016); Diarorim: (since 2022);

Bibliography Index:
Journal title: Patrimônio e Memória
Short title: Patrimônio e Memória
Published by: São Paulo State University (UNESP), Documentation and Research Assistance Centre, Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Assis campus
Periodicity: anual
Type of publication: Continuous publication
Created: 2005