Transformations and crises in political parties

the case of PSDB


  • Jeferson Alexandre Miranda Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Maria do Socorro Sousa Braga
  • Davi J. Franzon


Political Parties, Party Organization, PSDB


The PSDB was one of the parties that suffered most from the continuity of PT governments from 2003 to 2015, and, in 2018, with the election of the extreme right. Since then, the party has been showing a strong organizational and electoral decline. Faced with the transformations and crises of this party, this work has two objectives. The first is to verify under what conditions the PSDB arrives to face its current crisis, after a little over three decades of existence. The second purpose is to discuss what are the possible reasons that are related to its political-electoral decline. We argue that the consolidation of a weak organization led the PSDB to institutional and electoral fragility over time. To demonstrate this argument, we made use of descriptive statistics with organizational data, public resources of the parties and the votes and seats raised by the PSDB along its path since 1998. Our main conclusion is that the years in opposition to the PT governments and the consecutive defeats in the national electoral scenario created exogenous and endogenous pressures that culminated in a weakening of the party, finally an unfinished transition of the dominant coalition was the determining factor for the current crisis of the PSDB.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, Jeferson Alexandre; BRAGA, Maria do Socorro Sousa; FRANZON, Davi J. Transformations and crises in political parties: the case of PSDB. Faces da História, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 61–86, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.