O que defendia o Fascismo dias antes da Marcha sobre Roma?

Análise e tradução do Discurso de Nápoles, de Benito Mussolini


  • Sergio Schargel USP/Doutorado em Literatura Brasileira, UERJ/Doutorado em Comunicação Social, UFF/Doutorado em Ciência Política, UNIRIO/Mestrado em Ciência Política


Fascismo, Mussolini, Discurso de Nápoles, Marcha Sobre Roma, Ciclo liberal do Fascismo


It is often said that the March on Rome would have been a coup. In reality, however, despite his distinctly coup-based pretensions, Mussolini came to power through the legal channels of Italian parliamentarism. Faced with the research question about which characteristics appeared in Fascism during the March, the intention of this article is to analyze and translate the Speech of Naples, declared two days before the March, aiming to point out some of its main characteristics and its relationship with previous and post periods of Fascism. The analysis and translation, unpublished in Portuguese, will make it possible to expand the state of the art in studies on Fascism, by showing some reconstructions of its features. For this, the article will make use of a theoretical basis with material by Gianni Fresu and Robert Paxton, in addition to a hermeneutic methodological strategy of close reading, supported by the Wordclouds platform.


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How to Cite

SCHARGEL, Sergio. O que defendia o Fascismo dias antes da Marcha sobre Roma? : Análise e tradução do Discurso de Nápoles, de Benito Mussolini. Faces da História, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, p. 23–43, 2022. Disponível em: https://portalojs.assis.unesp.br/index.php/facesdahistoria/article/view/2425. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.