From animal traction to invisibly propelled cars

the public transport in Lisbon, 1834-1910 - part I, the time of the bisarmas (1834-1873)



Utilities, Tramways, Lisbon, Urban transport


We present the first part of the trajectory of public transport in Lisbon, whose similarity to other cities is given by the protagonism of the trams with animal and electric traction in the transport service of people and goods, pressing need with the industrial growth and urban density in the 19th century. The Carris de Ferro have monopolized the service for 148 years, since 1873 with the Americans, tramways with animal traction, and then with electric cars, the first tram with invisibly propelled cars ran on August 31, 1901. The urgency for the service led the City Council to take care of the concession as early as 1834 and now we bring the history of the companies created with difficulty. The final mark of this period of intermittence is precisely the creation of Carris de Ferro, celebrated by the population and still the service concessionaire in Lisbon.

Author Biography

Alexandre Ricardi, Universidade de São Paulo

Master and Doctor in History from the University of S. Paulo. E-mail:


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Acervo Municipal do Arco do Cego.

Acervo do Museu da Carris.



How to Cite

RICARDI, Alexandre. From animal traction to invisibly propelled cars: the public transport in Lisbon, 1834-1910 - part I, the time of the bisarmas (1834-1873). Faces da História, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 02, p. 101–120, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.