
Representations and Allegories of a Brazilian Screw


  • Carlos Gabriel Sardinha de Medeiros UNESP, Campus de Franca


Transamazonic Highway, national identity, Cinema Novo, civil-military dictatorship, national-popular;, Iracema


This article analyzes the film Iracema, an Amazonian screw (1974), directed by Jorge Bodanzky and Orlando Senna, presenting a reading of the representations and allegories present in the work. The historical context of construction of the Transamazon Highway, the narrative approach to reality – there are elements of fiction and documentary presents in the film - and the denunciation, by the filmmakers, about the way of life of the population of the Amazon that lived on the side of the road is highlighted, taking as reference the life of Iracema and Tião. Analyzing the aesthetic elements of Brazilian cinematographic production, the movie is understood as a criticism of the narratives of national identity formation, the artistic production linked to national-popular since the 1960s and especially the role attributed to the indigenous in the project of modernization of the Brazilian society proposed by the military, which justifies the years of censorship until its launch in 1981.


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How to Cite

SARDINHA DE MEDEIROS, Carlos Gabriel. Iracema: Representations and Allegories of a Brazilian Screw. Faces da História, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 209–225, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jan. 2025.