On the road to Earth without evil guarani

History, memory and cosmology


  • Rosalvo Ivarra Ortiz UFGD


Guarani, Cosmology, search for the Earth without evil


There is no consensus on the extent to which internalization, dispersion, and the Guarani walk in the post-conquest periods occurred only under the sign of “reaction” to it or other inquiries, such as internal dissensions or cosmological motivation, as well as whether Oguatá walking) occurred before the arrival of the European colonizers and if they happened, what were the reasons? The present article seeks to analyze from the perspective of anthropology, the way in which the Mbya religious leaders fulfill the dreams of Nhanderú Ete, originating the journey towards the Land Without Evil, the Yvy Mother “Y, return to the place of occupation of formerly or to the land designated by Nhanderú, with which it maintains historical ties of struggle. Conflicts intensify with the demarcation / extension of territories or land to the Guarani Mbya, as in the case of Pará, who walked for about a hundred years until finding the land where to exercise the correct way of living; dissent potentiates ethnocentrism, discrimination, racism, the stigma of being an Indian, bugre, lazy, alcoholic, “inferior race.” The research deals with the way in which they “choose”, “adopt”, “resume”, resignify, reterritorialize, guaranize the land where they paused the walk .


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How to Cite

ORTIZ, Rosalvo Ivarra. On the road to Earth without evil guarani: History, memory and cosmology. Faces da História, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 244–261, 2018. Disponível em: https://portalojs.assis.unesp.br/index.php/facesdahistoria/article/view/1106. Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.