Call for Papers - Dossier “Historiography, an unquiet practice?”
Fulvia Molina, Installation Paisagem-Passagem, Essen - Germany, 2001.
Faces da História announces the call for submission of articles for the dossier Historiography, an unquiet practice? is open until February 5, 2024. The dossier is organized by Aline Michelini Menoncello (PHD/Unesp), Gabriel Pochapski (PHD candidate/Unicamp) and Thiago A. Modesto Rudi (Post-Doctor/Unesp).
What is unquiet, what stirs disquiet when we think and write history? What unfamiliar things come to inhabit the interior of this unique, disciplined and scientific space called historiography? What forms of disquietude make their appearances in the corpus of knowledge, in the bodies of those who write and inscribe themselves in historical knowledge? These questions allow for a set of reflections that touch on the core of the politicization and historicities of historical knowledge.
In the course of the 19th century, as History became both a science and a fundamental belief for the Western world, the disquietude concerns of historiography never ceased to be confronted by modern attitudes. For instance, the prescription of directions for writing history, the constant critique of its current state, and its historicization. These perceptions allowed historiography to be viewed as a mission that would progress through crises, as evidence that, even when taking the form of a burden, could continue its movement. From the latter half of the 20th century, certain attempts to diagnose and stimulate these disquietudes, symbolized by shifts and turns (linguistic, ethical-political, spatial, decolonial, etc.), were able to emerge, generating effects that problematize the modern presuppositions of historiography. In this regard, if today we can study the disputes and silences that permeate our discourses, such investigations make it possible to inquire in what ways the emerging disquietudes from relationships with historiography affect historians in their writing and in their constitution as subjects of historical knowledge.
Crafted from these reflections, the current dossier aims to bring together articles that problematize, through diverse forms, subjects, and theoretical perspectives, the disquietude of modern and contemporary historiographical scenes, as well as their potential effects to disquiet our present practice. The articles will delve into issues about the writing of history, such as, but not exclusively: the question of the subject of knowledge in his dimensions of gender, race, social position and his demands, etc. The ways to rethink the historiographical space in its relations with its "subjects" and issues (bodies, memories, times, new technologies, denialisms, the anthropocene, etc.). And the disquietudes that emerges from approaches with others knowledges, such as literature, politics, art, and psychoanalysis.
ALBUQUERQUE JÚNIOR, Durval Muniz de. O tecelão dos tempos: novos ensaios de teoria da história. São Paulo: Intermeios, 2019.
ARAUJO, Valdei Lopes de; RANGEL, Marcelo de Mello. Apresentação - Teoria e história da historiografia: do giro linguístico ao giro ético-político. História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, v. 8, n. 17, 29 abr. 2015.
ÁVILA, Arthur Lima de; NICOLAZZI, Fernando; TURIN, Rodrigo. (Org.). A História (in)disciplinada: teoria, ensino e difusão do conhecimento histórico. Vitória: Editora Milfontes, 2019.
CERTEAU, Michel de. A escrita da história. Rio de Janeiro: Forense-Universitária, 1982.
FOUCAULT, Michel. A arqueologia do saber. São Paulo: Forense Universitária, 2012.
HARTMAN, Saidiya. Venus in Two Acts. Small Axe: a Caribbean Journal of Criticism. v. 12, n. 2, pp. 1-14, 2008.
HARTOG, François. Crer em História. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2017.
LORIGA, Sabina; REVEL, Jacques. Une histoire inquiète: Les historiens et le tournant linguistique. Paris: Seuil, Gallimard, EHESS, 2022.
OLIVEIRA, Maria da Glória de. Os sons do silêncio: interpelações feministas decoloniais à História da historiografia. História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography, Ouro Preto, v. 11, n. 28, 2018.